









Eva door Auguste Rodin, 1881


                                    (voor ‘De poort van de hel’)









Het Rodin Museum Parijs schrijft: In his design for The Gates of Hell, dating from 1881, Rodin wanted to place Adam and Eve either side of The Gates as pendants. He later described how he had started to model a large female figure when he had had to stop because his sitter, who was pregnant, could no longer pose for him. He did not exhibit this unfinished statue of Eve until 1899, by which time he felt bold enough to show his works in a fragmentary or incomplete state.


‘Liever een varken’


Op de tentoonstelling ‘Société Nationale’ in 1899 te Parijs, toonde Rodin voor het eerst zijn Eva. Twee commentaren:



Arnhemsche courant, 29 mei 1899


                                                      De locomotief, 23 juni 1899















                                                                                                                                     Eva, ca 1895-1900





Auguste Rodin (Fr. 1840-1917)










Tentoonstelling ‘Rodin, Genius at work’ in het Groningermuseum, 2016-2017


Foto’s: februari 2017




Startpagina Buitenbeeldinbeeld



Startpagina Auguste Rodin