









Promenade door Anthony Caro, 1996


Caro: “I am seldom interested in people leaning or playing with my work. I don’t think my sculpture is to do with the playground, but it is to do with people and not with monuments.”







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In een interview werd hem de vraag gesteld:  You once said that you objected to viewers walking into a sculpture—which means that they lose any sense of tactility. Do you still hold that attitude?


Caro: “You use your eye as a surrogate for the body. If it’s a sculpture for children or a public sculpture, then by all means invite the spectator to interact in a physical way. I hate the “I can run my hand over it” sort of tactility. By and large the idea of sculpture for the blind is nonsense. Distancing yourself, and imagining yourself in, but not going in, has been an important feature of a lot of my work. A sculpture has an invisible barrier around it. But when we talk about public sculpture there is a problem: you have to involve the spectators. A lump of metal as a monument is pretentious; almost always the bigger it is, the worse it is. Art is special. It’s a distillation of life.







YSP-info: Promenade was created for the Tuileries Gardens in Paris [voor een tentoonstelling van 20e eeuwse Britse beeldhouwkunst] and takes its name from the historical fashion for walking in public places to meet, or be seen by, others. The shape of this sculpture further develops the theme as it suggests rhythm and  movements of walking.


Caro had reservations about putting his sculpture into the natural surroundings, believing “all landscapes is difficult. YSP can be a difficult space because it is big and demanding”. However, he felt that this sculpture worked particulary well on this site.












Anthony Caro (Engeland, 1924-2013)


www.anthonycaro.org             Wikipedia



Caro heeft een grote invloed gehad op het ontstaan en de ontwikkeling van de moderne, abstracte beeldhouwkunst. Zijn werk wordt gekenmerkt door het hergebruik van metaal (voornamelijk ijzer en staal) veelal afkomstig van de schroothoop.


Caro opende in juni 2013 nog een tentoonstelling met eigen werk. Bij die gelegenheid zei hij tegen de krant The Independent dat hij wilde doorwerken tot zijn honderdste. "Ik vind het leuk om te doen. Bejaard zijn is schokkend, maar ik geniet nog steeds van het maken van de werken." Drie maanden later overleed hij aan een hartaanval.















Yorkshire Scupture Park, Engeland


Foto’s: juli 2016




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